

We work with landowners, HOA's, and the Colorado State Forest Service to help make forests safer and healthier.  

For many property owners wildfire mitigation is a top priority.  We create defensible spaces around homes by removing stressed, diseased, dead or dying trees and shrubs.   We remove trees that are too close together, to allow space between the crowns of trees.  Cutting out ladder fuels (small trees that are growing up into the crowns of larger trees) and pruning off lower branches of evergreens reduces the chance of small fire on the ground becoming a major fire in the canopy of the forest.

The treatment for creating a defensible space also helps improve the health of the forest.  More space in between trees reduces competition for water, nutrients, and sunlight creating stronger and healthier trees which are more resistant to insects, disease and drought.

Tree Service

We assess trees for health and safety and determine the best course of action to promote tree health and risk management.  

We prune trees to promote proper growth, remove dead and dangerous limbs, and provide clearance to homes and structures.

We safely remove hazardous trees using advanced techniques and equipment to prevent personal injury and damage to property.


We work with clients to create a beautiful and comfortable outdoor living space. We can build a new landscape or renovate or add on to an existing landscape.  

Our services include

Spruce Planting

Mt Crested Butte

Boulder Retaining Wall and Paver Steps and Walkway

Crested Butte South

Storm Damage

 Clean up


Paver Garden Bed with Flowers and Irrigation

Roaring Judy Ranch

Forest Health Improvement

Red Mountain Ranch

Hazardous tree removal
